karen moehr

Kiss and Spells Book
Kiss and Spells
by Karen Moehr

"Splendid light-hearted read"
"Worth the read"
"Nice twists and turns"

Idea Gems magazine Featured in Idea Gems magazine
*click on cover to see inside!*

Seen in Arizona Daily Star
Arizona Daily Star, Kiss and Spells Book

Meet the key characters and learn about the book!

Spells and Sensibility Belinda
Belinda Kincaide. Hardworking, single career girl concentrating on her not-so-meteoric rise in the small marketing firm where she works and maintains a love/hate relationship with her job. One day she does something very uncharacteristic for her pragmatic and sensible ways: She buys some books for casting love spells as a gag gift for her best friend Beth--or is it?

Spells and Sensibility Beth
Beth, Belinda's best pal and perpetually upbeat always-there-for-her friend. She's on-the-hunt for a husband (to please herself or her mom?) Beth doesn't have the best track record in dating, but keeps trying anyone and everyone. When Belinda's so-called "silliness" of spell casting surfaces, Beth wonders if it's finally the one things she hasn't tried that will work?

Blisterpock Spells and Sensibility
"Blisterpock" aka Tom, Belinda's nosey and somewhat chauvantistic, but ultimately spineless boss. He adds to her frustration on a daily basis, but will he end up being her downfall or biggest fan?

Spells and Sensibility Julia

Julia, Tom's wife isn't what the office expected. Beautiful and persistent, she has one idea in mind to make her life better. Will her husband agree and will it ultimately mean the end for Belinda's love/hate relationship with her job?

Spells and Sensibility Alan
Alan Gregson, a client and the subject of more than one daydream for Belinda. As she learns more about him, and ultimately wishes for a more intimate relationship with this handsome, older man, will she learn things she wished she didn't know?

Spells and Sensibility Tony
Tony, Beth's on-again/off-again slacker boyfriend. Will he finally be the one Beth settles with or will Belinda get her secret wish that Beth will finally kick him to the curb and never see him again?

Spells and Sensibility Lorna
Lorna is the sassy HR Manager and she knows where the bodies are buried at Belinda's office. Will she be Belinda's ally or cause her even more problems?

Spells and Sensibility Ty
Ty has been kept around at the company in spite of his grabby hands and slow-talkin' Texan ways. As Belinda is forced to work with him, she discovers a new side and decides once and for all where he belongs.

Spells and Sensibility Josh
Josh, the United Delivery guy is hunky and handsome. Belinda wonders more than once if he's the guy for her. In a turn of fate, Josh just might be right after all, but in ways she didn't suspect.

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now available on Amazon Kindle & paperback!

Karen MoehrContact me at Karen Moehr

about me...
Writing from my home office in Tucson, AZ, I enjoy working on both non-fiction and fiction (my new passion!).

I have a great guy, two cute kitties and a serious desire to help women in business with my marketing books ... and... make them smile with my fiction works.

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